  1. Three Sixteen

From the recording 12 Stories: the Bible Album

STORY 11: Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

Adopting the Essene practice of baptism, John the Baptist breaks the prophetic silence, and starts preaching the message of repentance, preparing the way for his cousin Jesus to take over. Jesus proclaims that the Kingdom of God is at hand. To the Jews waiting for a political and military messiah to deliver them from the Romans, it sounds great… but Jesus starts saying things like “turn the other cheek”, and “Love your enemies”! (Huh?) And he hangs out with people known to be sinners and outcasts. Jesus is basically turning the tables (literally at one point) on all of their expectations, and lashes out at the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus sums up the whole law of Moses in two simple laws “Love God with all your heart and soul” and “Love your neighbor as yourself”. But Jesus takes things way further, claiming that he is here to not to abolish but to “fulfill” the laws of Moses. And when he speaks in parables some of them are clearly aimed at the Pharisees and Sadducees. And he doesn't just perform miracles, but he even claims to forgive people’s sins, something only God can do. And when Jesus refers to God as Abba ("Dad"), and affirms to the Jewish high court of the Sanhedrin that he is in fact the Messiah, the son of God, such "blasphemy" is the final nail in the coffin, or specifically the final nails on the cross, since the Jews then plot with the Romans to kill Jesus, and we all know the preferred form of Roman execution. Having foreseen this, Jesus arranges a last supper with his 12 apostles, calling the bread and wine his body and blood about to be poured out for many, knowing that one of them is about to betray him. He promises them that he will share a meal with them again in Heaven, where his Father had prepared a place for them. He is then handed over and crucified between two thieves, with a sign hung above his head that sarcastically but prophetically read “King of the Jews”. After asking his Father to forgive them "for they know not what they do", one of thieves hanging next to him asks Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus assures him that he will be with him that day in paradise, breathes his last, and dies. A couple of days later, the single biggest piece of news in all of human history breaks: Jesus is seen, risen from the dead, first by the women, then by the 12 apostles. He commissions them to go and tell the good news. He returns to his Father, and promises them he would be with them until the end of the age…


Like my cousin said it’s time to change your ways.
Look beneath the miracles.
Forgiveness is what saves.
I didn’t come to smash the Law or stick it on a shelf.
Just love your God and your neighbor too
as if they were yourself.
And don’t turn back the little ones,
the sinners, or the poor.
Just know that you’re the same,
And I’ll open up the door.

Oh, the Kingdom’s begun.
God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.

Eat and drink me up before they get their kill.
Daddy, pass this cup, if only it’s your will.

The water, wine, the bread, the vine…
Am I too tangible?
The fire of my Father’s love is inescapable!
And it burns for eternity.
The way, the truth, the life…
Come and follow me!

Oh, the Kingdom's begun!
God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.
God so loved world, He gave His only Son.

2 or 3 days later and what did Mary see?
A rabbit resurrected. Now death is history!
There was a thief to my left, a thief to my right,
but one is here with me.
And I’ll come to you like a thief in the night.
I wonder where you’ll be.
Now go and tell the world
I’m bringing home what’s mine.
And know that I am with you
until the end of time… until the end of time...
until the end of time... until the end of time...
until the end of time... until the end of time...
until the end of time... until the end of time...
until the end of time... until the end of time...