  1. Let Them Go

From the recording 12 Stories: the Bible Album

STORY 3: Moses and the Exodus (Exodus, Numbers)

And grow in numbers they do. But eventually there comes a pharaoh who had never even heard of Joseph. All he knows is that these so called “Israelites” are too numerous for comfort. So he forces them into labor to make bricks and build their buildings. The Israelites cry out to God, and He sends them Moses, the greatest of all the prophets, to demand from the pharaoh that he let God’s people go. Moses asks God “What if the Pharaoh wants to know which god you are since so many are worshipped? What do I tell him?” God tells him: “I AM” (Or “I AM WHO AM”), basically saying, “I am the only real God.” (This is where the names “Jehovah” and “Yahweh” come from.) Of course Pharaoh stubbornly refuses to let them go, so God unleashes 10 plagues on Egypt through Moses. In the 10th plague, the firstborn of all the Egyptians die. This is too much for Pharaoh so he kicks Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert so they can worship Yahweh and go back to Canaan. Of course he changes his mind and sends the Egyptians after them, and through Moses God parts the waters of the Red Sea allowing the Israelites through, but drowning the Egyptians. Later, at Mt. Sinai, God gives Moses the 10 commandments, the first of which is to worship God and only God, not images of him. But as soon as Moses comes down from the mountain, the Israelites are already worshiping a golden calf! God is ready to smite them all and start his people all over again with Moses, but Moses reminds God of his promise to grow this particular people into a nation, and so God changes his mind, and lets them go…


Many years pass after Joseph died.
A new pharaoh needed some bricks.
Scared how the Israelites multiplied,
A pyramid scheme did the trick!
How long can the people cry out?
How long must my people be slaves?
Moses, there’s no time to doubt.
A burning bush sent you to say:

Let them go. Let them go.
Let them go. Let them go.

10 plagues & Pharaoh had had enough.
He drove them out into the sand.
Ten rules to follow at Mount Sinai,
But the golden calf was not a part of that plan!
I mean how long can the people be blind?
There’s only I AM THAT I AM!
I’ll smite them and start one more time!
But Moses remembered the plan,

So I let them go. I let them go.
I let them go. I let them go.

My Moses remembered the plan.
My Moses remembered the plan.
So I let them go.